Kieshia Muhammad
12th grader
UPREP High School
BAM BAM, are the loud sounds that I hear at night when Ii lay to rest my head at night. While the noise disturbs me I lay and wonder how can people find any joy in shooting someone? Why do we make people feel like they have to resort to violence in order to make a point. So many people in my life have been affected by gun violence. So many that I can't help but be affected by this issue.
12th grader
UPREP High School
BAM BAM, are the loud sounds that I hear at night when Ii lay to rest my head at night. While the noise disturbs me I lay and wonder how can people find any joy in shooting someone? Why do we make people feel like they have to resort to violence in order to make a point. So many people in my life have been affected by gun violence. So many that I can't help but be affected by this issue.
I have watched my brothers being carried away in police cars all because they decided to help take someone's life. My mother was a vicitim to gun violence and my father was the one who shot her because they couldn't agree to disagree. I have been a witness to my cousin crawling around begging for god to just give him another chance at life because he has been shot messing with the wrong people at the wrong time. Even though he didnt die his life will never be the same.
I think so deeply about this issue that sometimes I just cry- not because the people in my life are being hurt by this visious crime but because the issue of gun violence just doesnt seem to be getting across to the people in the world. It is as though people are afraid to press the issue. Kids my age are being killed over nonsense. Family members are being murdered just because the can't agree with one another and it's sad.
The press and the people of the world talk about what happened at Henry Ford High School. They talk about how crazy the situation was and how the people were killed over something so silly, but they fail to talk about how a 16 year old boy got a firearm without any trouble....... and how could a 16 year old boy be so angry to kill someone? Sometimes I wonder how people can be so mean and selfish. How could they kill someone not thinking about how their life affects so many others. This issue is big and it is something that needs to be stopped............. but the only way that it can happen is if we speak up and speak out-not just for your friends to hear but so that the world can hear that its time for a change and that change starts with you.
people today are on so much stuff that anybody could tell them what to do and not even no they did it somebody get get into it with another person and the friend hype it up and make the person feel like a punk because he or she didn't do anything when the got into iit with that person next thing you no that person pulls out his gun and get to shooting and kills somebody and wounds other people now you got one going to jail and another dead and a couple injered over sumthing dumb
This article is true for some many teens today. If people was to realize that killing someone doesn't only effect that person but it effect there love one to they probably would think twice before they mske that last decision. It also effects there family to because those are the people who have to watch there love one suffer most of there life because chose to kill someone and got locked up for doing it. So if you are one of those people who is described in this article really think twice before you mske that decision to kill someone!!
i agree that when you kill someone it hurts so many others. its is true that it hurts the family and it is true that it hurts friends but it hurts the community it hurts the little kids that want to go out and play but they cant because there parents fear that something might happen. This is why parents say "im glad i didnt have to grow up in this day and time" and we laugh,but its true think about it why is it that the same clubs, stores,resturants, ETC that were here when our parents were are a danger zone to us. its the people that has changed people dont value life anymore money has become scarcy and thats why the drug and the guns are taking over the world.people will kill for anything just because they got a gun. its troubling but the ttruth. we need to come together and make a change. we got to get our world back for our children sake.
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