Chelsea Thomas
Gun violence is becoming more and more popular with teens and young kids. The reason is because guns are just out there. Most young kids know where to go and buy a gun(no questions asked). People don't really care as long as they are making their money. Also, guns are just being left around as to where anybody is capable of getting to the gun.
Gun violence is becoming more and more popular with teens and young kids. The reason is because guns are just out there. Most young kids know where to go and buy a gun(no questions asked). People don't really care as long as they are making their money. Also, guns are just being left around as to where anybody is capable of getting to the gun.
Most shootouts or any type of gun violence are carried out by teens. You hear about adults shooting or getting shot, but it is more so the teens. I feel that the Hugs Not Bullets Campaign is good to get teens out of the habit of always going to get a gun. The campaign just needs more activities and more advertisement. If we can build up this campaign more, maybe we can get more people to listen to us.
The shooting at Henry Ford was a big deal. It's a shame that most people were not shocked by this act. It might have hurt a lot of people, but no one was really shocked. Why? The reason is because of the fact that it happened before and that really is an issue. We can't just have teens out here killing everytime they have a problem. Too many lives will be a stake if that's the case.
In conclusion, kids should be taught in better ways on how to deal with gun violence and violence period. Something has to be done about gun violence, because we are losing our people. And it's not getting any better. If it's not better now, what's going to happen later? Are we just going to continue to watch our people destroy and kill others or can we do something about this issue now?
i completly agree i think the biggest problem is that there arent any alternatives teens and the city of detriot dnt have anything to do outside of school that you dnt have to pay for no place they could have a good time and still learn
This is the main key to making a change. So since we know what it is, now lets start working towards a difference. Lets get more teens involved in this campaign because by getting them involved your getting their parents involved too. so let's get up and get out.
The issue can be handle by us since it seems like teens are sometimes addressed as the root of the problem. You are correct we do need to fight on getting this campaign more popular with the citizens of Detroit.
Gun violence has effected all of us and i hope we can over come it
Gun violence is a major issue and it has affected everybody in one way or another. Nobody can stand up and say that its not a problem. I think that its good that you decided to be a part of an organization that wants peace in their communities
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