Alexander Ussery
UPREP High School
Gun violence is a major issue today. This issue is a national and local issue. The national issue is that minorites are being killed at an alarming rate. The local issue is that youth in my own community are dying every day. One of the main reasons is because guns are so available.
Half of the students in high school can get a hold of a gun or have or had one already. I feel action has to take place to change this problem.
Some ideas I have are stricter gun laws. Strict gun laws will decrease the amount of people who are willing to risk jail time. Also we can do some thing about the pawn shops and gun shows selling guns with out. I think most teens end up with guns that were purchase illegaly in the first place. The reason I say this is because they would be less likely to sell the gun to them if it's registerd to them or some one they know.
I have been affected by gun violence. I have lost friends and family to senseless violence. In conclusion, I think if the guns were harder to come by the amount of people hurt or killed by them would decrease dramaticly.
anybody can get a hold of a gun today they might buy it or get it from a friend or there parent its terriable when a baby gets a hold of a gun and kills themself or a child who wants to show off the gun to there friends and accidently kills them
Okay so if you believe this would help make a difference than SPEAK OUT. go to town hall meeting city Meeting and thibgs of that nature and let your voice be heard. We are the future so our opinions are what matters the most. So grab some of your friends and do what you have to do to make a better future for not only you but for generations to come.
I live in a neighborhood were kids steal guns from drug dealers. It has gotten out of hand and I agree with everything you said. Just keep o0n having faith and we will see change soon.
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