Ryan Anderson
UPREP High School
As a Detroit citizen, I experienced a lot of violence. I reside on the east side of Detroit where just walking to the corner store can be life threatening. It is imperative that we addrees the issue of gun violence. There has been a lot of young people killed this year over little or nothing. It seems like it's not safe to go anywhere anymore. There was even a lady killed in a church. It is for these reasons that I support the "Hugs Not Bullets" Campaign.
UPREP High School
As a Detroit citizen, I experienced a lot of violence. I reside on the east side of Detroit where just walking to the corner store can be life threatening. It is imperative that we addrees the issue of gun violence. There has been a lot of young people killed this year over little or nothing. It seems like it's not safe to go anywhere anymore. There was even a lady killed in a church. It is for these reasons that I support the "Hugs Not Bullets" Campaign.
I have been in situations when guns have been pulled out on me and I didn't know what to do. Gun violence has been going on in Detroit for so long that it has been accepted. I feel like it's terrible that this has been accepted and is normal in Detroit. Gun violence shouldn't be accepted anywhere.
If gun violence is not addressed and stopped, the city of Detroit will just get worse. It seems like everywhere you look a young male or female is wearing a "Rest In Peace" shirt or hat. Young people are dying because it has become so normal that it has turned into fashion. A lot of the time teens are killed at events like parties. A shooting or fight is usually how a party ends and I find that terrible. I find it terrible because a party is supposed to be fun. You shouldn't have to fear for your life when you come to have a good time.
All of these issues can be stopped if gun violence or just violence is stopped in Detroit period.