Joshua Pelt University Prep High School
I wonder what it is that makes youth ashamed to be a positive leader. I have noticed that it’s not hard to be a leader as a young lady or man now, but why must youth be influenced to follow the negative leaders? For example gangs are one of the most negative ways to become a leader, but are continuously becoming the most popular way to be a leader. It’s time to make a difference! I feel like if I can make a change anyone can do it. I stepped up to change my life and become a leader of Youth Initiative Project and to make a difference in youth and the future. “Being a Leader Is the New Fad”. Everyone wants to be a leader so make the right choice-- become a part of Y.I.P today.
For Further Information Contact us at: (313) 965-6924
I wonder what it is that makes youth ashamed to be a positive leader. I have noticed that it’s not hard to be a leader as a young lady or man now, but why must youth be influenced to follow the negative leaders? For example gangs are one of the most negative ways to become a leader, but are continuously becoming the most popular way to be a leader. It’s time to make a difference! I feel like if I can make a change anyone can do it. I stepped up to change my life and become a leader of Youth Initiative Project and to make a difference in youth and the future. “Being a Leader Is the New Fad”. Everyone wants to be a leader so make the right choice-- become a part of Y.I.P today.
For Further Information Contact us at: (313) 965-6924
I feel that it is true that everyone wants to be a leader and everyon wants someone to look up to them. In detroit males think that the only way for to become leaders is by using guns. I feel that YIP will let kids know that there are other ways to be leaders than by shooting guns.
Young people should feel honored to have even a oppertunity to become leaders. Being a leader is nota bad thing its a excellent thing.
If kids today are seeing gang members as leaders you show these kids how to be a leader in different ways. Also you need to show what it takes to be a leader and what the responsibilities of being a leader. Also you can't just take any kid and make them a leader, they must want to work hard to be a leader.
This is another great point i have a ? for you. Why do you think youth look up to the wrong role models.
I thnik I might just join too
This is a great point.Most young people would rather follow someone than lead.
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