Norman Jones
Youth Initiatives Project
University Prep High School
Youth Initiatives Project
University Prep High School
One of the the biggest problems with our city is the is the lack of leadership we have. I say this because to many terrible things goes on in the city and we need people to step up and stop this from happing. In a single year, 3,012 children and teens were killed by gunfire in the United States, according to the latest national data released in 2002. That is one child every three hours; eight children every day; and more than 50 children every week. And every year, at least 4 to 5 times as many kids and teens suffer from non- fatal fireman injuries. ( Children’s Defense Fund and National Center for Health Statistics)
America is losing too many children to gun violence. Between 1979 and 2001, gunfire killed 90,000 children and teens in America. In one year, more children and teens died from gunfire than from cancer, pneumonia, influenza, asthma, and HIV/AIDS combined. The rate of fireman deaths among kids under age 15 is almost 12 times higher in the United States than in 25 other industrialized countries combined. ( Children’s Defense Fund and National Center for Health Statistics)
I feel that these statistics are terrible and that they should be addressed by people stepping up. In a typical house hold its ran by the man, woman, and the child. Its ran in that order so I feel that’s the way it should be ran by the city. The man is the head person in charge and makes the big decisions. The woman is the person who makes sure everything is together and is going right. The woman is also there to be there for her man. The child is there to be a good child and learn from there parents so they can do the same when they become adults.
I just feel that everyone in the city needs to step and make a difference in the community. I just think it needs to start with the MEN! To start that off Y.I.P is having there 2nd annual male teen summit March 8, 2008. Come out and help make a difference in the city and also be a Leader.
America is losing too many children to gun violence. Between 1979 and 2001, gunfire killed 90,000 children and teens in America. In one year, more children and teens died from gunfire than from cancer, pneumonia, influenza, asthma, and HIV/AIDS combined. The rate of fireman deaths among kids under age 15 is almost 12 times higher in the United States than in 25 other industrialized countries combined. ( Children’s Defense Fund and National Center for Health Statistics)
I feel that these statistics are terrible and that they should be addressed by people stepping up. In a typical house hold its ran by the man, woman, and the child. Its ran in that order so I feel that’s the way it should be ran by the city. The man is the head person in charge and makes the big decisions. The woman is the person who makes sure everything is together and is going right. The woman is also there to be there for her man. The child is there to be a good child and learn from there parents so they can do the same when they become adults.
I just feel that everyone in the city needs to step and make a difference in the community. I just think it needs to start with the MEN! To start that off Y.I.P is having there 2nd annual male teen summit March 8, 2008. Come out and help make a difference in the city and also be a Leader.
This is a great article. More young men need to step up and become leaders. If this was to happen the world would become a much better place. YIP is doing a great job in giving these young men a hand on the road to becoming great leaders.
you right more leaders are needed. too many followers not enough leaders. too many people want to be someone else or sumthin there not. just be you!!! good message to be heard!!! o yea wat up norm
I think that males do run the household. I also think that women help contribute to leadership but, with their contributions we tend to lack our position. Women, in some cases, causes us males to lose our attention on to what we are trying to obtain. But they are not our downfall, we as males do need to step up and take over. Nice Response, Norm...this Kurt...
You are right. That is the order in which a household is supposed to be ran. The problem now is that there isn't enough males with that mentality.
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