Joshua Pelt
University Prep High School
University Prep High School
Youth Initiatives Project
It is time for a change not only in Detroit, but all over the United States of America. Youth Initiatives Project (Y.I.P) which is a youth driven program has a primary focus to reach out to youth in the community. Speaking from a males point a view, Detroit needs a lot of support in shaping boys into young men! Males in Detroit are losing the battle to live and are falling like soldiers. More than 93 percent of homicide victims in 2006 were black males. In response, Y.I.P has put together the second Annual Male Teen Summit and Resource Fair which will address employment, education, mentoring, entrepreneurship and health. Males from ages 13-19 are welcome to attend. It will be held Saturday, March 8, 2008 at The Grace Church of Nazarene 18020 Hoover road from 10am-2pm.
For further information please contact us at: (313) 965-6924
It is time for a change not only in Detroit, but all over the United States of America. Youth Initiatives Project (Y.I.P) which is a youth driven program has a primary focus to reach out to youth in the community. Speaking from a males point a view, Detroit needs a lot of support in shaping boys into young men! Males in Detroit are losing the battle to live and are falling like soldiers. More than 93 percent of homicide victims in 2006 were black males. In response, Y.I.P has put together the second Annual Male Teen Summit and Resource Fair which will address employment, education, mentoring, entrepreneurship and health. Males from ages 13-19 are welcome to attend. It will be held Saturday, March 8, 2008 at The Grace Church of Nazarene 18020 Hoover road from 10am-2pm.
For further information please contact us at: (313) 965-6924
I feel that this is a good way to teach young males how to be men. Since there are not many males in the city of Detroit with alot of male role models this might be a good thing for them to connect with another male who may know more than they do.
these are some good points that are being brought up. another one is parents. i think the way you are raised plays a big part in how u act wen u are older
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